User Services & Experience Committee


The User Services Experience Committee (USEC) will focus on technologies that facilitate university services and academic administration, support the student services life-cycle, and empower inidividual communications and collaborations throughout the university community. The USEC makes recommendations to the IT Governance Steering Committee (ITGSC).

The committee is a cross-functional group of subject matter experts that evaluates and recommends policies and practices to improve the overall experience in the provisioning and use of technology services on campus. USEC also represents the technology needs of administrative and academic units, as well as student-focused initiatives.

The specific charge of the USEC is to:

  • Align strategic direction for those services that intersect with the goals and objectives established by the University Strategic Plan
  • Evaluate technology requests for consistency with University priorities and IT strategies
  • Gather input from faculty, students, and staff to identify service gaps and innovative ideas
  • Validate completion of appropriate analysis of solution options, total cost of ownership, and readiness to execute for new initiatives
  • Recommend and propose annual investments and project priorities to the ITSC that seed innovation
  • Identify opportunities for integration and collaboration with other IT Governance committees
  • Serve as a sounding board for the CIO, the Faculty Hub, and IS leadership on policy changes, process, and service improvements
  • Recommend creation of working groups and standing subcommittees as necessary to perform detailed analysis

The USEC will work in consultation with the Vice President of Information Services/CIO and the IT Governance Steering Committee to develop annual goals and areas to focus its work. The committee will meet monthly and will provide a quarterly report to the Steering Committee.


Committee members will be appointed by the committee Co-chairs. Membership will include service providers and service recipients, as well as representation from Information Services. We may invite guests from time-to-time to provide additional input for key decisions. It is expected that members attend all meetings or send a delegate. If attendance becomes an issue, members will be asked to reevaluate their commitment.

USEC membership includes the following campus representatives:

  • Phillip Gravely (University Communications, Co-chair)
  • Mark Nichols (Information Services, Co-chair)
  • Rebecca Buffington (Enrollment Management)
  • Ray Cargill (Information Services)
  • Jessica Clatterbuck (Office of Planning and Policy)
  • Rodney Cogbill (Human Resources)
  • Meghan Harris (Business and Finance)
  • Emily Martin (Financial Aid)
  • Bryan Moyer (Registrar's Office)
  • Kristine Nolin (Faculty representative)
  • Amy St. John (Advancement)
  • Mark Stanton (Athletics Compliance)
  • Vittoria Tripp (Center for Student Involvement, Student Development)
  • Kevin Creamer (Information Services, ex officio)
  • Beth Simms (Information Services, ex officio)