Faculty Technology Committee
The Faculty Technology Committee exercises power delegated to the faculty in the Preamble and Art. I.C.8. of the University Faculty Senate Charter, except for curricular decisions.
The specific charge of the FTC is to:
- To serve as the primary means of communication between the university faculty and the Information Technology Governance Steering Committee, on matters relating to the role of technology in teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and faculty-supervised student research;
- To recommend to the IT Governance Steering Committee strategic directions related to technology needs for matters under the purview of the faculty, as designated in the faculty handbook, including teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and faculty-supervised student research;
- To accept and prioritize faculty requests for acquisition and support of new and existing technologies for teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and faculty-supervised student research, and to recommend those prioritized requests to the IT Governance Steering Committee;
- To advise the university faculty on processes for seeking funding for technology to support teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and faculty- supervised student research;
- To recommend the creation of working groups and subcommittees as necessary on matters relating to technology in support of teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and faculty-supervised student research;
- To recommend to the IT Governance Steering Committee changes in IT policies, processes, and service/support agreements to enhance technology support for teaching, scholarly/creative activities, and faculty- supervised student research.
The membership of the Faculty Technology Committee consists of nine faculty members: four from A&S; two from RSB; one each from JSLS, SPCS, and Law. Ex-officio membership includes the Chief Information Officer (or his/her designee); the Director of Academic Computing Services, the Provost (or his/her designee); the Faculty Director, Teaching and Scholarship Development Hub.
Co-chairs: Roger Skalbeck and Jess Flanigan
Faculty membership:
- A&S Div. 1: Maja White (term expiring 2025)
- A&S Div. 2: Jacqueline Carrell (term expiring 2026)
- A&S Div. 3: Lester Caudill (term expiring 2027)
- A&S At-Large: Will O'Neal (term expiring 2026)
- JSLS: Jess Flanigan (term expiring 2026)
- Law: Roger Skalbeck (term expiring 2025)
- RSB: Raika Sadeghein (term expiring 2027)
- RSB: Nancy Bagranoff (term expiring 2025)
- SPCS: Lionel Mew (term expiring 2026)
Ex officio membership (non-voting):
- Provost (or designee): Nicole Maurantonio
- CIO (or designee): Keith W. McIntosh
- Director, Academic Computing Services (or designee): Mark Nichols
- Director, Teaching & Scholarship Hub (or designee): Kitty Maynard (and Andrew Bell)
Notes: A member from this committee also serves on each of the IT Governance Steering Committee and the IT Governance Data Management Committee. See IT Governance Committees for details.