IT Governance Steering Committee


The Information Technology Governance Steering Committee (ITGSC) provides overarching governance for the strategic direction of information technology and ensures alignment of IT services and operations with the university’s overall strategic mission, vision and goals, and needs of end-users.

The specific charge of the IT Governance Steering Committee is to:

  • Guide and advise the Executive Sponsors (Chief Information Officer, Provost and Chief Operating Officer) on strategic IT decision-making.
  • Recommend annual investment priorities, and policies and facilitate resolution of competing demands for IT resources;
  • Recommend for approval the acquisition of major technology solutions, the creation of significant new services, and/or the rebalancing of the IT portfolio;
  • Advise on priorities for annual IT capital spend;
  • Facilitate communication and collaboration in IT governance, IT services and solutions across the schools, programs, and campus;
  • Seek out innovative ideas and propose investments of time or funding (with approval of Executive Sponsors);
  • Oversee and direct the activities of Advisory Committees and identify opportunities for collaboration;
  • Review and approve advisory committee charters on an annual basis
  • Recommend policies and practices that balance need for security with convenient access to data; and
  • Champion and support initiatives to ensure compliance with relevant laws, statutes, and regulations relevant to our charge and ensure appropriate protection of university assets and stability of operations.

Membership is comprised of authoritative representatives from designated offices of the University. The intent is to maintain a group small enough to work through issues in a timely manner, but large enough to provide representation from key functional areas. We may invite guests from time-to-time to provide additional input for key decisions. It is expected that members attend all meetings or send a delegate. If attendance becomes an issue, members will be asked to reevaluate their commitment.

  • Keith W. McIntosh (Information Services, Chair)
  • Troy Boroughs (Information Services, DMC Co-chair)
  • Ben Broening (Music, Faculty at Large, term expiring 2025)
  • Julie Farmer (Change Management)
  • Jess Flanigan (Leadership Studies and PPEL, FTC Co-Chair, term expiring 2027)
  • Sharon Feldman (Latin American, Latino, & Iberian Studies, A&S Dean's Office)
  • Phillip Gravely (University Communications)
  • Kelly Harris (Student Development)
  • Meghan Harris (Planning & Budget Office)
  • Melissa Hartz (Institutional Effectiveness, DMC Co-chair)
  • Kim Lebar (Advancement)
  • Lindsey Monacell (Admission)
  • Nicole Maurantonio (Provost's Office, Academic Affairs)
  • Tammy Milby (Education, Faculty at Large, term expiring 2027)
  • Mark Nichols (Information Services)
  • Shannon Sinclair (General Counsel)
  • Roger Skalbeck (Law, FTC Co-Chair, term expiring 2026)
  • Wendy Burchard (Procurement & Strategic Sourcing, ex officio)
  • John Craft (Information Services, ex officio)
  • Kevin Creamer (Information Services, ex officio)
  • Du’Neika Easley (Audit, ex officio)
  • Susan Galvin (Information Services, ex officio)
  • Melody Wilson (Information Services, Secretary)